It’s great that you’re thinking about getting your child baptised. Below is an explanation of the process that we have at Guyra Anglican Church to prepare parents for the baptism of their children.

At Guyra Anglican Church, to prepare parents for the baptism of their children we have a 7-week course about Christianity that we invite parents to participate in. This course is called “Christianity Explored”, and it simply explores the Gospel of Mark to see who Jesus is and what he has done for us. This course explains the nature of Christian commitment and discipleship that children are Baptised into.

When children are Baptised, parent(s) and godparents make significant promises on behalf of the child, and this course insures that parent(s) are able to understand what they are promising to do for their child, which is (in part) to encourage them to actively trust in Jesus, & be members of the local church congregation. These are big promises, ones that can only be made wholeheartedly when understood fully. You can also only do this if you have personally trusted in Jesus too.

During the time of the course we strongly encourage parent(s) to join us for our weekly Sunday service. At a baptism the local congregation promises to support you in the promises that you will make, which means that the church loves to have the opportunity to get to know the family who are bringing the child for baptism.

At the conclusion of the course, if the parent(s) feel that they can continue with the baptism, we will then schedule in a date for the baptism to take place during our weekly Sunday service.

If you’d like to explore this, we’d love to hear from you.